Online Potential Scanner

The ELEVATE Online Potential Scanner

On the basis of comprehensive Online Potential Scanner, representatives of companies will be able to assess the situation of the own company in relation to the current and future shortage of skilled workforce and to define action levels and potentials where individual and company based (!) action is possible.

A set of credible benchmarks in the background of the potential scanner will allow the company to compare with average figures and define gaps as well as improvement potentials. The online potential scanner will be available via the project website for regular PC use but also programmed in a way that allows the use with mobile devices.

The completion of the Online Potential Scanner will lead to a written results presentation and gap analysis, which form the basis for action in the company.

Furthermore, the results are a necessary precondition for participating in the ELEVATE Strategy Workshops as this result report will identify the most important action levels and potentials, where further strategic development would achieve the highest impact in the sense of tackling the problem of shortage of skilled workforce.

The development process starts in late 2024 and by early 2026, the virtual pilot testing will be implemented in all partner countries. By April 2026, the Online Potential Scanner will be open for the public and available in all partner languages: English, German, Italian, Slovenian, and Spanish.